Participation in scientific conferences, congresses and other forms of academic life (Bulgaria)

The Bulgarian scientific societies, created by men, worked up to the 1920-1930s as a fully “male space”. The acceptance of women in them began after the World War I and was most active in the 1920s. There was a trend for easier entry of women as members and even as part of the management boards of societies at first in natural and medical sciences, while in the humanitarian  it took place in the 1930s.

The scientific societies (the Bulgarian Historical Society, the Bulgarian Archaeological Institute, the Society of Pathologists and Anatomists, the Association of Mental Diseases Specialists, the Educational Philosophical Society, the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria and so on) the proportion of women was too small (from 1 % to 34 %). Usually women did not participate in the Boards (exceptions were Theodora Raykova-Kovacheva in the Union of Chemists in Bulgaria, and Dr. Rayna Ganeva in the Educational Philosophical Society), they published rarely or never printed their scientific papers and articles on the pages of specialized periodicals. However, the main scientific society, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, did not accept women until the end of the World War II, although they could publish their works in its periodicals and had been awarded for scientific contributions.

Meeting of the Sofia Chemical Society

Congress of Archaeological Societies

One of the key activities of the IFUW was granting scholarships for specialisation and scientific work in universities and laboratories. From its establishment the BAUW regularly informed its members about the national and international scholarships. A special commission examined the applications and directed the documents of Bulgarian candidates. At the end of the 1930s the BAUW members participated further in international scholarship competitions, although it was impossible for them to win scholarships without the support of their national association. In 1937 the lawyer Dora Mustakova was awarded a prize by the IFUW for her monograph, in 1938 Dr. Vera Paraskova won a scholarship and specialized Biochemistry in Zurich. The lawyer Vera Zlatareva, the first Doctor in Law of the Sofia University, applied for a scholarship in criminal sociology.

Leipzig, 1943, a visit of Bulgarian scientists among them are: Assoc. Prof. Jeanne Nikolowa- Galabowa, German studies specialist, Prof. Peter Mutafchiev, historian, Prof. Chilov, medical doctor, and Prof. Stoyan Brashovanov, musician

Doctoral and postgraduate research of Bulgarian women scientists (scholars) in Germany (1920-1940s)

Doctoral and postdoctoral graduates

Research area



Institution receiver






Sofia University

1925, Berlin,

Institute for Fermentation;

1926, doctoral research, Greifswald University; 1940, Berlin, Institute of Zoology;


University Clinic, Institute of Genetics and Racial Research; 1944-1948, Dresden, Institute of Biology of Dr. Madaus and Co.

1925, own expenses;

1926, own expenses; 1940, Sofia University;

1943-1948, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Kerckhoff Foundation, Bad Neuheim




Sofia University

1924-1925, Berlin,

Institute for Fermentation;

1926, doctoral research, Rostock University;

1927, Berlin, KWI of Zoology

1924-1925, Ministry of Education;

1926, Ministry of Public Education; 1927, Sofia University



German studies

Sofia University; Independent scholar

(retired after 1936)

1928, 1930, Munich; 1936, Germany

1928, own expenses;1930, German Academy; 1936, own expenses



German studies

Independent scholar

(high school teacher)

1932, Berlin

1932, German Academy

Iwanowa, Gora

German studies

Independent scholar

(high school teacher)

1930, 1931, Munich; 1937, Berlin University, preparation of habilitation;

1939, Munich; 1939-1940, Berlin University

1930, German Academy; 1931, own expenses; 1937, Ministry of Public Education; 1939, German Academy; 1939-1940, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation





National Museum of Ethnography

1933, Institute of Music Studies – Berlin University, Berlin Phonogram Archive, Berlin National Library; 1933, Leipzig University, Dresden University; 1935, Munich University


own expenses


Dona N.

Biochemistry, Interface and Colloid Science

Sofia University; Higher School of Social Sciences

at the Bulgarian Women’s Union

1930-1931, Berlin, KWI of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry

Sofia University


Radka N.

Meteorology, Climatology

Institute of Meteorology

1938-1940, Berlin-Potsdam

Institute of Meteorology



Analytical Chemistry, X-Ray, Spectroscopy

Institute of Health Care

1934-1935, Berlin, Higher School of Technology

Sofia University




German Studies

German Scientific Institute, Sofia, 1940-1942; Independent scholar (high school teacher)

1939-1942, doctoral research, Berlin University

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation




German Studies

Sofia University

1931-1933, Jena, Frankfurt am Main; 1938, 1939, 1940, Germany;  1941-1942, Berlin University, preparation of habilitation;

1931-1933, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; 1938-1940, Sofia University; 1941-1942, Sofia University



Social Work

Higher School of Social Sciences at the Bulgarian Women’s Union

1929-1932, Berlin, German Academy for Social and Educational Women’s Work

1929-1932, Bulgarian Women’s Union


Theodora P.

Organic Chemistry


Sofia University

1922, Berlin University; 1931, Berlin University

own expenses




Art history and Archeology

Independent scholar


1937-1939, Berlin University

own expenses


Eugenia R.

Veterinary Medicine, Microbiology

Veterinary and Bacteriology  Station, Varna

1938, Berlin, Robert Koch Institute

Ministry of Interior and Pubic Health



Intern Medicine

Sofia University

1942-1943, Berlin University

Sofia University






Sofia University

1942, Berlin University

Sofia University

Academic/ Research trips of Bulgarian women scientists (scholars) to Germany (1930-1940s)

Scientists and scholars attended scientific forums

Research area



Scientific forums








Nuclear Physics


Sofia University

1943, Weimar, workshop


Sofia University







Sofia University

1941, Leipzig, German-Bulgarian conference


Sofia University

Nikolova-Galabowa, Jeanne


German studies


Sofia University

1941, Leipzig, academic workshop


Sofia University


Ekaterina (Katja)



Independent scholar

(high school teacher)

1930s, congresses

own expenses

Raikowa-Kowatchewa, Theodora P.


Organic Chemistry

Sofia University

1931, Berlin, Congress of German chemists


own expenses

Silianowska-Dimitrowa (Nowikowa),



Independent scholar


1939, Berlin,  International Congress of Archeology

own expenses






National Museum of Ethnography

1942, Frankfurt, ethnographic exhibition


National Museum of Ethnography

Bulgarian women working in German scientific institutions (1920-1940s)

Doctoral and postdoctoral graduates

Research area

Institutional affiliation



Additional institutional affiliation

Britchkova, Maria

Classical Archeology

1931-1937, German Archeological Institute, Rome


Dragneva, Zhivka

German studies

Sofia University; Independent scholar (retired after 1936)

Bulgarian-German Mediator’s Bureau, 1933-1944

Naidenowa-Romanska (Stoilowa), Ganka

German studies

Independent scholar (doctoral student, high school teacher)

German Scientific Institute, Sofia, 1940-1942

Nikolova-Galabowa, Jeanne


German studies

Sofia University

German Scientific Institute, Sofia, 1940-1942

Taslakowa, Theodora


1926-1937, Research Institute of Hygiene and Immunology, Berlin; Institute for Cancer Research, Berlin; Rudolf Virchow Hospital, Berlin